Unmatched Background Screening Capability
We make it possible for leading Background Screeners to provide that critical report to HR Professionals who have to get it right the first time.Solutions -
Best of Breed
Solution for Screening Industry LeadersSpeed, Accuracy, Quality and Compliance. FRS delivers a rock solid foundation of elite technology interwoven with expansive data sources.CRA Solutions -
Community of Sources for GrowthWe solve the problems that Criminal Researchers face every day and enable them to grow and better manage their businesses.Researcher solutions -
Access for Critical Hiring DecisionsCRAs equipped with FRS technology seamlessly merge the background check with your established HR processes.HR Solutions

What We Do for Your Success
The end result of the background screening process is not about us. It is about the organizations that keep us and our families safe – safe in our workplaces, our schools, our neighborhoods and our playgrounds. Our goal is to enhance the background screening processes to ensure efficiency and accuracy. Through the FRS employment screening software, you will gain seamless access to industry expertise, coupled with data-rich solutions continuously refined for nearly two decades.
Each day over 50,000 background checks are performed across the country by our network of industry leading organizations empowered with the FRS suite of technology solutions. By combining strong partnerships with incredible technology, we provide you with the most widely preferred background screening software and technology solutions available in the marketplace today.
Do you need an experienced technology partner with unparalleled industry expertise? FRS enables you to operate more efficiently and more profitably by reducing labor costs, improving turnaround times, and empowering you with the ability to deliver leading-edge system integration and Internet ordering solutions.
Want to work with a company that is intimately familiar with your needs and challenges? FRS provides many features for the streamlined processing of any criminal and civil background research as well as other court-related searches such as federal, property searches and bankruptcies. With FRS you will increase your visibility, gain new business and streamline your operations.
Are you confused when it comes to choosing a background screening company? FRS has partnered with “the best of the best.” We provide a simple entry point for you or your applicants and over 100 of the nation’s finest Consumer Reporting Agencies.
We'll Put You On A Right Path!
With a large community of FRS users, wouldn’t you want to make sure?
“I don’t know how I got along without FRS. The system has really run great and their technical support is fantastic. They talk on your level and treat you like a human being.”