Q: How do I set up Extra Fees, and ensure that they show on the Invoices when I run Billing?
A: To add an Extra Fee globally, go to Billing->Fees / Extra Charge Costs (See Screenshot below).
- To add/adjust Court Fees click ‘Maintain Court Fees by County
- To add/adjust MVR State Fees click ‘Maintain MVR State Fees
- To add/adjust Fees that you want to use ‘on the fly’ click ‘Extra Charges Lookup Table
NOTE: Fees are not retroactive like Item Prices and Package Prices are. If you adjust a price and want it to show on the next invoice, be sure to adjust within the Subject (See below)
When you run Billing on the Client’s subject (Billing->Generate Bills / Invoices), the Extra Fee will show underneath the applicants name as long as you do NOT have “Suppress Descriptions / Details of Extra Charges” on the Generate Bills / Invoices menu.
To add/adjust Extra Fees on a Subject, edit the Subject and select ‘Edit’ under the Billing tab (See Screenshot below). Here you can manually adjust the already added Fee, or Add a New one by clicking ‘Add New Extra Charge’ or ‘Extra Charges Lookup’