My InstaCrim searches have been running for over 24 hours and I have not gotten results. What is the hold up? Well, there are two possible explanations for this.
The first is that you have selected a county that is not cover by InstaCrim. To find this you go to the IntelliHit Reviews tab.
Here you can see all the errors.
Double click on the subject. If you see an error message like the one below you need to assign this search to a researcher because InstaCrim is not covering that area.
The second explanation is that the search did not complete within 24 hours. This sometimes is an issue with a common name, issues with the site, etc. To get the search to run again you need to hit the Reset Jurisdiction to Send/Search Again. This will allow you to resend it to InstaCrim to get it back in the queue. You will not be charged for resending this search. If you try this 4 times and InstaCrim does not return results you should assign it to a researcher to complete.
FRS sends out updates whenever we get notified of an InstaCrim outage. We email when the county is down and when it is back up. If you would like to be added to this email distribution please send the name and email addresses you would like added to